Why do People Side with Bullies?

WHY do people go along with them? Does bullying make them feel powerful or alive? Is it out of jealousy?

My last workplace bully poisoned my reputation from my first DAY in the workplace. She went around slandering me to all the current employees (including people in other departments), and they weirdly just believed her......despite her having a LONG history of this behavior.

She directly said "we're hiring someone else" to me on my FIRST day. She actively blocked coworkers from training me, sabotaged me, set me up for failure, and consistently tried to publicly humiliate me.

I also overheard her speaking with the receptionist at the main building desk, and the other receptionist said "she won't last long" about ME.

She would become ENRAGED any time I got positive feedback or managed to change someone's opinion about me. She literally never gave me a chance.

If I did anything nice for her, she would twist it into something negative. Like if I brought her a soda or stayed late to help, she'd accuse me of sucking-up or pandering. But if I avoided her and focused on my my work, then I was lazy, unhelpful and stuck-up. Imagine being so full of HATRED.

It's just perplexing how so many people jump on the hate-campaign. Against a new employee they've NEVER spoken to. And their source of information is a low-level secretary with ZERO supervisory capacity who never saw my resume. It's such a fucking joke.

Much of it is merely groupthink and people "going along to get along". But I also believe the people most influenced by smear campaigns WANTED to dislike you. They just needed an excuse. And the bully provides them with one. They may also enjoy steeping on others to feel superior.

I noticed many people would become weirdly hostile and nasty to me after spending time with my bully. And it's WILD how they just instantly went along with her bullshit narrative. I think these people WANT a reason to hate on you. They don't care whether the slander is true or not. Some people were nice to me initially, and then after speaking to my bully they acted like I killed their dog or something.