So why did your mom homeschool you?
Very very new to this sub and the genre. What are your guys’ favorite folk punk artists?
Anyone ever get jealous of people raised in bilingual environments?
Me when it's time to do my Cookie Alliance battles
Did anyone else think they were an introvert but really aren’t
Anyone else have problems like this, or just me?
What gives you an unbridled, totally unreasonable “holy” rage?
What age did you start reading fanfic?
Where are you shifting to?
[HELP] Identifying a poem (possibly by Edgar Guest or similar poet) for my grandmother's birthday
Let's reflect a little!
I caused one of my readers to die!
Tell me your most luckiest pull 👹
New Years Writing Resolutions
Safety helmets for Tornadoes?
When reading and writing, do you prefer to read/write long stories or short ones?
Why are you still alive?
is there any good reasons 2 live during a zombie apocalyse?????
[Poem] Don't Hesitate By Mary Oliver
Does anyone else feel bad about taking up so many ideas and not finishing them?
WIBTA if I stopped going to family therapy?
It almost feels like Christmas except I've got no eggnog.
i'm so sick of people telling me i'm lucky
AITA for yelling at my wife for outing our daughter during the Christmas party?