Single Dad, 39, Looking for Friends
What am I looking at?
Jr Jays but 3rd Party Tix
Mystery Peony - ID Request
Oshawa - One Seat available
Worldwide Bengals fans - time to check-in.
What QOTSA's song marked your 2023?
Fall 2023 merch (took this in Toronto)
Love & Sound VIP Poster Question
What’s Afflicting My Asters?
What Are These? Help
What Am I Looking At?
Fall Tour incoming!
Blue Jays Buds! Visiting from Texas to see a Jays game to make it 29 MLB parks visited. Looking for any recs for the ballpark and Toronto in general.
Something trippy to watch while High?
What's your favorite "Hey, that's a Dune reference!" in other media?
Need a cabin-beer recommendation (either delivery in Toronto, accessible by transit or at the LCBO)
What do you not want the customer to know about how their food is made ;
First Jack White lyric that comes to your mind. Go!
Crassula spreading disease
Does anyone know not so famous movies filmed in Toronto and where exactly they're taken?
If you had to pick Osmow's or Lazeez??
What scene in a movie freaked you out the most when you were younger?
My 3 year old son has decided he wants to be naked and play with his penis while watching TV on the couch