The Facts Of Life Goes To Paris....And Australia!
Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom (1975)
What happened to Brendan in season 7?
Does anyone else listen to the original MTV veejays on Sirius XM 80s on 8?
There was never a funnier couple than Mr. Tudball and his secretary Mrs. Wiggins.
Who was the Best Teacher on Little House on The Prairie and Who was the Worst?
Young Eunice!
April Fool's Day 1987 -- Video quality is a little rough but there are 2 kickass showcases at the an April Fool's showcase!
I could have lived off these forever if they weren’t discontinued.
Remember Me Season 2
There are beers and then there are Coach Lubbock beers
Graham Lubbock with one of his tall beers on "Just The Ten Of Us" (late 1980s)
What happened with Bobby?
Trying to find an episode...
You shot my vahs!
More weirdness about the 93 Rumble
My God, Rob Stone is aging like fine wine!
Message regarding the poll-type questions
What is a mostly forgotten TV show that you remember?
There was never a funnier couple than Mr. Tudball and his secretary Mrs. Wiggins. 1975.
I love Gimme A Break! because it's completely bonkers, was constantly re-inventing itself and had a kickass theme song!
Come on down!
Was Miss Peel trying to blind people in Whisper County?
The Association - Windy (1967)
What are some of the wildest plotlines for you?
The Man in Black