What’s something everyone loves but you secretly hate?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever accidentally found hot but never told anyone?
How do you deal with feeling like you're falling behind in life?
What’s a food you judged too soon but totally changed your mind about after tasting it?
Cooked .Boards from 17th feb .Sick af.
People who are “people pleasers” how did you overcome the need to please everyone?
Your favourite onion cut?
Which one is your pick ??
how do you get the motivation to get up and study?
is this handwriting okay for boards????
Happy new year bhaio, bheno and all the others <3
What excites you most and motivates you to be sexually interested in someone?
Men of reddit. What do you wear to sleep?
What is something that always makes you smile, no matter how bad your day has been?
Aaj op 17 ka hogya
What is the thing that can turn you off even if you are in the middle of the best sex you have?
How the hell do you study English in class 12
What about this...Is it good for boards?
Single people, what stopped you dating?
What motivates you to study and why?
How to force your self to study on Days u dont wanna
what do you like to do when you cannot sleep?
What is something you wish they taught you in school?
Is my handwriting cooked??