Edo Madara vs base Momoshiki (Only feats, no statements)
What's your favourite FFF ship?
SM + 2 Rinnegan alive Madara vs KCM2 Naruto and EMS Sasuke
Who is your favourite FFF character?
Why does refrain chord cost so much?
Where was it stated that Momishiki is stronger than Kaguya? (Provide with a source)
Who would win, Madara, Madara, Madara or Madara?
No, Sasuke never stated in the LN that he can solo Kaguya. Why are fans spreading disinformation?
"Deutschland braucht einen Neuanfang", Volt fordert eine handlungsfähige Regierung
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What if the 2 greatest Anime villains meet? (No fight, just Conversation)
Let's end this debate, who is the strongest Uchiha of all times? Sasuke or Madara?
How would the fight against Momoshiki and Kinshiki have been different if Sasuke brought the strongest 4 kage instead of Boruto era Kage?
If Madara decided to integrate everyone's chakra (those affected by the IT) into a chakra fruit, ate it and become an Otsutsuki, would team 7 be able to stop him?
Can (Juubi) Madara tengai shinsei the Moon?
"Ein neues Bild": Viele Jungwähler haben Angst vor den Grünen, zeigt eine Umfrage
Who would win, Tobi (Naruto) vs Aizen (Bleach)
If Madara had a huge sized Avatar like Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke had, what would it be?
Naruto and Sasuke died more powerful than Hashirama and Madara were in life? Black Zetsu seems to say so.
Juubidara vs Naruto Baryone Mode, who wins in a death match?
Can Momoshiki absorb TSO?
Alive Madara with Sage mode + Double Rinnegan
Give me your favourite sports and I will judge you out of ten
Who wins?