Does anyone know anyone working with Electrostatic Discharge Collection and storage systems???
Found the other day on a job. Anyone know what it’s worth?
Pretty sure it’s a fake lol
Those 70’s cars are always parked in front of a building in my neighborhood
A break from the chaos
napping twins
The headline in an Indian daily
Who disturbeth myne sleeps?!
Is this a good investment for ancient coins? Hard to tell if someone has taken out the valuable ones or just too lazy to clean them.
Winter Sunset in Phoenix Arizona, watching the sky burn.
The Might Galactus! I finished this model some weeks ago, what you guys think about it?
Cute little thumbs.
Question about the book of revelation
Is this a bug bite or skin disease?
Hi, I'm looking for some feedback. Are there any issues or improvements I should consider?
Redesigning posters has become my new hobby!! Saving Private Ryan
Phoenix, AZ, December 20, 2024
My First Car Model | Ford Mustang GT 2024 (Rendered in Unreal)
Almost there… Any guesses on weight and value?
2 18s build
Is there any over the counter things that I can try or do I need to get to a doctor?
A patient at my SO’s clinic