Is it weird that I like being sore after working out?
How do I grow better facial hair?
Me and my autistic girlfriend after sex
Is it strange that I love surrealistic themes?
Tell me your favorite movie…
What movie had a realistic ending instead of doing the Hollywood thing?
Why can I still hear noise when it's dead silent
What would your username be without these letters?
Why can't people be more serious?
Why is there so much Autism these days?
I have no idea how to fix this
Does anyone else call rubber boots "shit slickers"?
Why can't tell when people are joking?
Why can't people be straightforward?
Intercropping Suggestions
Which PGR should I use?
Is it a good idea to drag bait behind me?
Do I report anything when I catch a fish?
Why does weed affect me so strangely?
What’s the hardest drug you’ve done?
How to ID Hay Bales?
Is it bad that I slow down when someone is tailgating me?
How bad is it to dump the clutch on a tractor?
AITA for questioning my GM?