Canadian government billboard ad in my city (GA, US)
Single motherhood by race
What is the US genuinely like to live in at the moment?
Saturday Protest Against Trump's Immigration Policies
My belly feels hard/tight when I lift. Is it normal?
Banned for Stating Measles Facts
Just found out I’m pregnant
What do you say to people who say "Crossfit is dangerous"?
People who say taxation is theft. How else do you propose the government gets the funds for roads, military, education etc?
Finally a subreddit that likes Joe
To the cowardly anonymous neighbor trying to shame us...
Signs of the shameless times pop up in Seattle
EBF mothers, when did your period come back?
Loud religious megaphone guy
what should someone do with this space?
Potty training - Scared while out
Glucose test experience - i threw up 😢
Responding to Trump, Ventura proposes protections for LGBTQ+ people and immigrants
Vent needed! 12w with Twins and I am sick of people telling me what I can't do already
The Left is Doing a Kristallnacht
How do you feel about a sitting President and the Commerce Secretary going on television to tell people to buy Tesla cars and stocks?
What happens if I don’t do my taxes
Does yoga count as exercise?
New dad