What’s a dream that has always stuck with you.
Found dog, heart breaking note, no idea what to do
I’ll pay u 150 for a facetime
Meet Marley, 4 month Shar-Pei x Border Collie.
Doing small loans
Please help me with Booma’s vet bills.
Female fans?
Tito scratching himself with his feather
Mini Dimmies
Just finished the series, now I don’t know what to do 😩
Scammer u/LoveSt0ryy
Pretty Girl ☺️
Whats your unpopular least favorite character
Christmas present
Peanut 🥰
Snuggles 🥰
If the “Deathwish” option wasn’t in the final mission, who would you choose to kill? Michael or Trevor, and why?
Merry Christmas 🎄
You can fly for me dad I trust you
Best friend 🥹
Pretty little thing
Preening my eyes
Just chilling