I've had multiple X-rays and CT scans over the past 5 months and I'm concerned about radiation poisoning from having so many tests done.
Tips on possibly anxiety dysphagia?
What are some of your feel good movies/TV shows that help you escape your own head or just help you feel better when you feel like everything is falling apart?
Water up my nose in shower
Does anyone else have anxiety about dying in their sleep?
Is anyone else really sick right now with a Upper respiratory Infection or flu and its making it even harder to swallow more so than usual?
Getting Endoscopy Tomorrow. Help!
26M Figuring Out Life with Dysphagia
I feel so hopeless and I'm in constant discomfort and pain.
Google and doctors have no answers and things are getting progressively worse very fast and more and more symptoms keep arising.
Does anyone know what could be causing dizziness, nausea, stiff neck, headaches, head pressure, excessive burping, throat tightness, throat cysts, swollen throat glands and difficulty swallowing?
I really need some help trying to figure out wtf is wrong with me because these doctors are useless and won't help!
Starting Zoloft
Does anyone know what this is? I'm not sure if this is coming from my bladder or it's vaginal?
Scared I'm going to die
Very Sick and Scared
I’m fading away
Anxiety-induced difficulty swallowing