This is my Title screen. Hope you guys like it! :)
Trump turns the White House lawn into a Tesla showroom
President Trump holds notes on the pricing of Tesla vehicles as he speaks at the White House
President Musk thanks VP Trump for announcing he will buy a Swastika car tomorrow because Tesla is being bullied by the “radical left”.
Trump says it is illegal to boycott Tesla
I always see really good-looking rigs here in the sub, now it’s my turn—roast me!
Imagine this is how yo go
Bro almost died to Grapes 💀
Blüte Woche 3 CBD Mazar
Mein Nikotin Entzug begann vor 15min
Erster Grow, Meinung von euch?
Gavrilo Princip age 19 when he assassinated archduke Franz Ferdinand, the event that started ww1
Leute mit Gehältern >150k, als was arbeitet ihr?
Welchen Soundtrack aus einem Video Spiel findet ihr am besten bzw am krassesten?
Freund helfen mit Rauchen aufhören / reduzieren
I have been riding the train since top 50 only jumping off to grab the vending machine medkits then quickly jump back on and this is how I died
Installateur belästigt mich nach Beschwerde
If someone can make this photo absurdly epic, I’ll tip $20
Ist schonmal jemand direkt vor euren Augen gestorben oder fast gestorben und was hat das mit euch gemacht?
anon slaps his brother
Küche plötzlich 50% billiger
What happened to the first person you had sex with?
Frauen = Klopapier...
Karlsruhe/Baden bei Sonnenuntergang
What player who was a hero for their club was done over the most dirty by the owners?
“Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal”