TW: Weight/ED.. Will I regret not losing weight?
What things have helped you come to terms with the idea that you might not have children (and you desperately want them)?
Baby's umbilical cord fell off on the 8th day. Is this normal?
Want to EBF newborn, but nipples need a break! Will bottle ruin progress?
What's up with Joe Rogan in 2025!?!?
How long is your maternity leave for those living in the US?
2 day old cluster feeds and I’m feeling so defeated
When did you start losing weight? During or after BF?
Are you going to take professional maternity pictures?
The stats say 90% of pregnant women get stretchmarks
Possible cracked rib- help!
It happened, I feel like Im failing 🙃
Why Whitepeopletwitter was banned
Best psychological thriller/ movie that will make me uncomfortable without being “horror”
For anyone who is upset by the current political trend and wants to do something- can we make a list of pro MAGA business to avoid.
Army refuses to identify female Black Hawk pilot killed in DC collision
People on the right. How do you feel about Trump using the air collision tragedy to attack DEI?
White House confirms Covid originated from lab leak in China
Edison wants to raise rates to pay for wildfires linked to its equipment
I find that hard to believe that intellectually disabled people were being hired by the FAA.
Google maps 3D views of intact Palisades went away last night. Before/After
Are you making your families get vaccinated before seeing your child?
If you voted for Trump, this is all your fault
What does pregnancy (and the different stages) feel like?
Is it me??