(Story Time) what's the longest (in hours) game you've had or what's the most player's you've had in a pod?
Maybe you weren't pubstomped, maybe you're just a scrub?
What is your favourite black card?
I could use some commander/deck building recommendations.
Ideas for cards that you would like to see created.
What is in your opinion the scariest/ strongest deck and/or deck strategy in a non cEDH table?
"Legal" cards you wouldn't play in "Bracket 2"
What are your favorite builds?
Bracket 2, 3 and some youtubers
How are y'all building Betor, the abzan precon commander?
Is Etrata, the Silencer a stupid commander choice?
Trying to build tier 1 needing more eyes and opinions!
Building a [3]: My friend's take is that if you're not including a late-game combo, it's a bad [3]
What's the most amount of squirrels you have seen in a game?
What is your favorite overlooked interaction piece?
What are you building right now? Why?
Your favorite hyper resilient, immortal cockroach secklists?
How often do you play other formats?
You just hit 9 mana and have a Tooth and Nail in Hand
Favorite Black Cards
Antiboardwipe Cards?
How has the format changed in the past three years, in your opinion?
How do you actually build and play bracket 1 decks?
What are some commanders that don't care about boardwipes?
After thinking about the brackets for some time, I think one of the worst things about it is that it feels like WotC is telling people that the way they prefer to play isn't valid.