Laura ashley skinner
Why dont people believe that season 3 of girl from nowhere wont come when we waited more than one year for squid game season 1 to 2 ?
Why are older teachers more brutally direct and strict than younger teachers?
Is that just me that feels that character in sictoms forgive each other easier than character in drama shows?
Shirley temple could have listen to bts
Reddit communities are unwelcoming to new users
What is a fact that will make people feel old?
Is am really an adult if I am over 20? Does that mean that I am not a girl anymore but young woman?
Less time has passed between John Lennon's death and 9/11 than between 9/11 and today.
Are you agree with this pintrest post?
Diego Maradona's daughter picks flowers for her father which he proudly wears during training (1989)
If anissa jones was alive woulve she been one of the most famous star?
Do you think dorothy stratten woulve been really famous today if she didnt meet her tragic fate?
Is anyone else here older and just in disbelief that 2018 is now considered 7 years ago??? And 2019 6 years ago!!?! And 2017… 8 years ago?
What is fine to do as a kid/teen but look like you are mentally unstable if you do that as adult/young adult?
What is the saddest fact those with autism/asberger have to accept?
Why are the musical more popular than the movie?
What is something most people don't know can kill someone in a few seconds?
Only me that think that this song kinda reminds me of rose?
Why can’t people respond to questions on Reddit without getting upset?
The amount of sex scenes you see on tv is ridiculous.
What's are the Tv shows you hated?
What was the last thing that made you cry?
Totally agree with Stephanie in the Disney ep