LF: EX: Gyarados, Palkia, Blastoise, Machamp, Yanmega. CT: Exeggutor, Aerodactyl, Gengar, Infernape. FA: Giratina, Spiritomb, Marshadow, Alakazam, Gyarados, Gastrodon, Cresselia. CT: Meowth, Eevee, Porygon, Serperior, Salandit, Vaporeon, Regigigas
LF: Space Time Smackdown: Rotom 1 Star (164) & Bidoof 1 Star (177)
FT: cards in binder LF: any from the 3rd pic forward
LF Full Art Mamoswine, Drifloon, and Yanmega
LF electrode, eevee, pidgeot and Vaporeon
Special gifts are here. What did you all get?
Absolutely HORRID 10x pack pulls (reverse show-off)
Looking for Blastoise EX, Zapdos EX and these one stars: Rapidash, Dragonite, Gyarados and Nidoking
I'm missing 4 to complete the island's collection,
LF Rocky Helmet!!
Need melmetal and machamp
Looking for:
Trying to complete base/illustration Genetic Apex
Looking for 2 charzards and 1 Mewtwo 3 star
LF Melmetal
Lf: Melmetal got plenty to trade
I need!!
I need omastar and kangaskhan.
Trade request
Need wigglytuff ex, base pidgeot, zapdos, elektross, base ditto
Looking for Exeggutor, Moltres, Snorlax and Aerodactyl
LF Gen. Apex Beedrill, Muk, have over 15k cards to trade back
Need these cards
Looking for Pikachu EX and Poliwrath