i think it’s literally impossible to increase my vocal range
What do I say when someone asks me if I want any kids?
Any reasons why as a baritone my voice sounds very light with little weight?
Does being a gentleman ever go out of style?
As an adult, how many daily meals are y'all actually eating?
Any adults here work more than 40 hours a week? How is your mental health? How are your personal relationships?
What's something that most people care about, but you don't?
How you manage your money?
What should a 25 year old be doing with their time?
How is your dating life?
How do guys even find a relationship or just casual stuff?
What makes you happy when you’re in a depressive state?
How to be less awkward?
What’s the least attractive thing about you?
What is your worst addiction?
Why do you work for Publix?
Watching people make weekend plans while I haven’t had one off in months
do men really like + size girls?
Is anyone genuinely happy these days?
This is ridiculous. Is anyone else getting this?
At what age did you realize the color of your skin was a big deal? & what happened?
What’s your go-to when you run out of toilet paper?
What’s a good way to meet women friends?
How do you motivate yourself to do things that are necessary but terrifies you?
Can managers force you to work a shift even if you put on your availability that you can not work certain hours