Can Taskmaster copy path?
I made a uquiz test about Lookism if y'all are interested (I don't think that this counts as self promotion since I have no profit from it
Wth is wrong with yt lookism fans
New propaganda dropped
Character fighting style UNIQUENESS tier list
Just wanted to remind everyone that many fans thought that jinrang would win against james back then lol
Do you think Soohyun and Daniel will discover/discuss each other’s abilities?
James Lee vs Bombardilo Crocodilo. Who you got this winning?
Father of Manhwa?
We ain’t never reaching nirvana
the James lee downplay is crazy 😭
Og daniel is better than sb Daniel
I can't believe how much Gun underestimated Johan here like he was so wrong
What if jake said I love my dad , he's a hero for me 💀
Does any of you actually like Taejin?
Which character is it?
Can OG daniel take all of them at once (with tokyo revenger's all gang members) , and how much time would it take ?
Wasted potential 💔
Why James Lee is the final villain.
Do you think Gun has already surpassed his father, or is he still far from prime Shingen?
How far does he go? 😲
Why ui daniel try to step on people even through if he step on them, they will not die?
Why people be downscaling Johan and upscaling both Daniel’s for no reason bruh