Siggers right now
Glock’s new GTL II!
Added an optic to my daily carry
COA 19 with the GTL 2!
Newbie's First Gun
Local Austin shop for gun purchase
Glock 19 COA
Got my ramjet and performance trigger on my G45!
Movie... the next parts of which are only better?
New Glock performance trigger and Ramjet!
What do we think? Striker fire 2011?
The Killer's Game (2024)
Which Gun Show for This Weekend?
Staccato Ranch
Orgazmo (1997)
My favorite Christmas gift
Who the worst/best “gun influencer(s)”
Frailty is an underrated gem of psychological horror. Bill Paxton's eerie tale of faith, fear, and morality is a must-watch sleeper hit.
Which one?
New thing
New comp that was announced from SS!
What’s your opinion on Sid Vicious?
What do you love most about Pflugerville?
I enjoy the .40 (Glock 22 Gen 4)
Is The Range oversubscribed now?