How do people play this shit game? this kill alone was Annoying AF!!
I'm So Fucking suicdal from My Shit fucking dad that i can't even make reddit posts anymore
My Father is going to shoot me in a few months
[Fo4] Am i the only one who likes the vanila underwear?
What's wrong with my smg? why is it weird? and how bad is it?
We Are Waiting for Pizza And You Wanna do that?😂
i Tried to make the best looking UMP45 so how is it? and can you do better?
How is my UMP 45 within 0 to 10? and what should i be using instead?
CoD's Most Wimpest Zombie ever😂
is it just me or fists are the most satisfying melee "weapon" and should be a 2 or 1 hit kill for MP?
i love the new Grenade system
[CoD] This guy makes my blood boil what about you?
is it just me or does the P90 look a lot better like this?
Is it just me or this shouldn't be allowed?
is there Anyone that plays "bullet girls" here?
is anyone bored of payday 2 yet? and if not then why?
What WHYY??😂
Is there a way i can get a tan foregrip for this gun?
I Challenge you to only use this gun and win a FFA and upload the video here😎
Milsim Gun Builds
how does c ai handle character details? it forgets my age and gender but remembers my hair color
i got blueballed by the ai😭
[FNV] is this modded molotov worth it?
Is this modded molotov worth it?