How can I run for federal office in Illinois?
Need urgent answer: where in O'Hare can I buy an N95 mask?
Good Weather Stream for Information on Upcoming Tornados (Also look at WCIA when they get closer)
Good Weather Stream for Information on Upcoming Tornados
Moving Bulky Items When Hallway is Unusually Narrow
Private landlords?
Urgent Care
Is Volo the worst internet to have on campus?
How to address brick basement in need of repointing when previous owner covered the walls in stucco?
Please Request This Store in Champaign Urbana
Stupid discount games are stupid
Islamophobia is spreading everywhere
Where can I get a monitor for free on campus?
Champaign to Ohare/Chicago?
Is there any way to get canvas to notify me of upcoming deadlines?
Illinois American Water Fucked Up
Broken Window in private housing
Landfills to drop off large trash at in Champaign urban area
Can't Connect to Wifi but can connect to ethernet??
UIUC Rental Price Fixing Scheme
wear a goddamn mask or stay at home.
Cat found near corner of Columbia and State, is now in my home. Please message me if this cat is yours. I think that it's stray so I'll let animal control take it tomorrow if no one messages. Feel free to link this post on other social media
Questions about roommates, UIUC ID, math profiency tests, and laptops
Food truck ideas