How do you get 10k steps a day into your day?
What were some health game changers for you?
Girlies in healthcare/nursing school , has this ever happened to you?
Girlies who get their nails done , do you believe in the Red Nail Theory? Trying this as a looksmax project
How do I get rid of my baby face
Going from curly to straight hair
favorite makeup products for looksmaxxing??
how do you looks-max without makeup??
What’s your favorite way to beautify yourself?
Did y’all Find Spunkeey From Flavor of love 2 to be fake & Annoying
Caviar Kaspia Restaurant in Paris
What is something You do that is harmful to your health , but you do it anyway ?
Health Post! : Pineapple salad recipe and it's benefits
The darra slander is seriously annoying
Girlies what do you keep in your purse?
The Red Nail Theory , does it really work?
What was the hardest skill and the easiest skill for you to learn?
Quoting this on a daily 😂
Has anyone tried Passion twists?
How do you lighten the bikini area?
How to get pretty feet!
Girlies with natural hair , which protective style lasts the longest?
Mama Bootz was right in the ROL CS reunion
How long does human hair knotless braids last
Shy did the absolute most for no reason. Just to only be known at the end of the day for having bad breath 😂😂😂😂