Our rats have been painting! 🖼️
Thoughts about Chanel Ayan on Traitors 3?
Chanel Ayan reunion look for Traitors 3 🐪 thoughts?
Visited Hot Pot Spot today! 🍜 10/10 would recommend.
Corgis with stuffed animals.
AITAH for being handsy at a college party and regretting it years later
Simone Kessel throwing shade 👀
Why do conservative men even want to date/marry liberal women?
Ok I’m sold these two are adorable
DAE think we need a queer version of LIB?
I drew Severance playing cards :)
Pixi detoxifeye masks burn/tingle?
More of this energy!!!! Fightuh
AOC - ''Elon Musk is not a scientist, he is not an engineer. He is a billionaire con man with a lot of money.''
Anyone’s corgis destroying their couch pillows?
Definitely the favourite one I’ve done yet 🍓
Ivy and her Banan
This is the one toy that absolutely gets my little guy super wound up and excited! I love watching him play with it, but my husband and kids hate when it’s wiggle ball play time! Haha!
Did anyone else catch these details in Ozzie’s Ice Cream Commercial? And is that ___ sitting in the booth and being served?
Golden hour at the coffee shop 🧡💛🤎
and that’s journalism, miluvs!
Tom Hardy wearing a balaclava to walk his dog 33 miles from his home, had to take it off after his dog charged at a neighbour
what is this little cutie?
What is you least favorite theory?
A quick coloring session. Love the color palette I did here
I don't like those implications, AT ALL.
The REAL reason S8 Minneapolis sucks