Do you guys think this is enough Crit rate/Crit Dmg?
Open Letter to Kuro about Lingyang
is a cheesed master ninja still a master ninja? (NG2B)
dragon of dirge deals damage to switched out character
I only got 13 of them in three hours of gameplay. Does this component drop often for you?
why no more 4 stars since the original ones? what are you thoughts
Will there be new abyss skins by any chance?
im not gonna sugarcoat it
Gley's Daughter as a future Descendant?
My Best and Last Work. Are You Ready for SE2 PT2?
Nicole, Miyabi, & Evelyn: What you think of this team?
who's the artist
They're selling Anby instead of Pulchra
How can Ryu hayabusa defeat Dante?
Should I grind for Hailey or Ines?
Revenge always feels nice (Eli Loop)
Let's put things in perspective on the Ines Nerf
Putting my 3080 through its paces one more time before my new GPU arrives tomorrow. I am excited
Descendant lookalikes
Why would Dia (Gley's daughter) ally with the Vulgus?
my wife look amazing in the lobby, thanks saesung
Void fragment removal??
I took these screenshots last night in game which one do you think looks the best?
I cant do anything send help
I believe the siblings' new ability is [Rewind], as it has been hinted at multiple times already.