If they were to compete in season 2,how well they would do?
The deeper meaning behind Ali's number
Bro was way too lucky
What a weird day on Asia_irl today
Character who is just a random guy that got involved in the insanity by just happening to be near the main character(s).
I lowkey think In-ho is mostly like this because of his actor. (read body text)
Why in 457 ships, frontman is like male partner while gi hun like the female one?
A scene that nobody talks about, but is gravely important? This, for me.
I'm Kira and this is deep
Squid Game Fans have no idea what to talk about anymore 💀
Had 006 (mi-hwa) not have been manipulated by the 004 (Seon-nyeo) she wouldn't have voted O in the 3rd round of voting & would've still remained an X voter, meaning everyone could've left after 001 ("young-il") voted X
Am I trippin’ or does my cat look like a Triangle guard?
Oki doki, yall did great with beast PV. Now help me develop lore for Withered Lily Cookie (beast white lily cookie)
Player' debt on the consenting scene
Anime characters with a visibly supbar skincare routine but are barely saved by their face shape not being hideuos
Why do you think Rem has an extreme strong desire to protect Misa?
What would you do if you had the option to be the frontman or front woman
this was the scariest moment in squid game in my opinion
Jo Yu-ri stated that she will film an emotional scene in Season 3. What could it be?
Jun-ho the explorer
Semi-unrealistic episode 1 scenes whose symbolism can only be appreciated after one's done watching the whole show
Characters who inspire and personify Hope
Fairly(?) memorable monologues
No way I got Muscle Cookie!!!
imagine being the first playable main cast of your own game & still being the one of if not the most irrelevant in your own fandom