DOE remember seeing Santa Clause in the first Mortal Kombat? I wasn't 100 percent sure I saw it for real, but then I googled it and found this. Same stage I saw it on when I was a kid.
Should I allow dynamic greeting?
Is the dlc any good?
Can I not choose my opponent in Superstar mode "Create a match?"
Is Schwarzschild cosmology plausible?
My mechanic can't figure out what the noise is - details in comments.
Weird noise when I brake
My Husband Has Been Secretly Roleplaying as a Cat Online for 3 Years — Should I Divorce or Become His Rival?
Is this legit? I don't wanna click the link until I know for sure. Thanks
I swear to God, I saw a robot dog when I was little
Brake noises in cold, but not like any I've heard on YouTube
Cmd popped up with 'Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool'.
I hate these fucking people
I am getting really tired of my SFW pins getting removed for sexual content.
The Pinterest moderators are completely deranged and sexually repressed.
Autoresolve button gave a different result than promised. This is only the second time that's happened while I played. Same result when I tried again (quick save)
Why do people keep trying to hack my damn Microsoft account?
Gremlins: Why was Gizmo good but the other Mogwai were evil even before they turned into Gremlins?
Issue where codes are being sent to backup email and not primary email. Workarounds?
Cash App Locked My Account ?????
How anti Christian is Thelema?
A completely SFW Picture of Princess Celestia getting ready to pounce on a laser pointer like a cat got banned for adult content
Does marijuana help or worsen your anxiety?
What streaming Service do you think Exosquad should be on?
I want just Twitch out of the promotions folder, but I want the other stuff to stay