What's something that went over most fan's heads or it feels that way at least?
Yeah, except that one time, right?
What's something Buffyverse related that often gets looked at through "rose-tinted/colored glasses"?
The way he delivers this line 😭
What's something the writers neglected?
Being a slayer, researcher, or anyone just fighting the good fight in the Buffyverse is extremely dangerous. Our heroes are often banged up (...or worse) after dealing with evil forces. What are a handful of scenes that a hero got injured, wounded or killed that you felt the most compassion for?
What's something a large portion of the Buffyverse fandom is overdramatic about?
His foot lives in his mouth
Something Buffyverse related that has you like this?
Buffys doing Buffy things ⚔️💅🏽👑
What's an opinion you kind of feel obligated to pushback against?
The best Once More, With Feeling song
This line would've hit harder in Empty Places
What's a Buffyverse moment that you find frustrating because you know the character knows better, but yet they still make a bad decision?
What's something one of your least favorite characters could have done to win you over, or at least start the process? (besides being killed off, leaving the show, or anything unreasonable)
What's something you're unwilling to accept?
Things that never stood a chance in the Buffyverse?
Outside of the obvious fantasy elements in the Buffyverse, what's something you have a hard time suspending your disbelief to believe?
Even if an apology was given and you didn't like it— what are some Buffyverse moments that you thought a character deserved an in-depth apology?
What's something that pains you to admit?
What's a simple realistic take or viewpoint that you have that has never come close to being confirmed in the Buffyverse?
What's something a Buffyverse character or the writers receive from a good portion of the fandom that you feel is unwarranted? (Credit or praise, hate, love, extreme criticism, making excuses, etc.)
Name a moment in the Buffyverse where a character you don't usually find funny at all actually gave you a good laugh.
What's something that is constantly taken out of context by a good portion of the Buffyverse fandom?
What are some Buffyverse lines that feel like the character is speaking for you or from your point of view of things?