One Hairdi
Found this while scrolling through the wiki.
Give me an MLP character, and I will rate that character out of 10
Make the comment section look like his search history
Give me monsters
Manny's favourite cereal
(in all seriousness) here are SOME villains captain underpants could beat!
This rapscallion hits your favorite character from a web-series how screwed is he
What's the combination of this big guy here?
what's the worst character redesign of all time
What's a monster concept you'd like to see brought back? I'll start:
What is your favorite character that traumatized a whole generation I start first.
If the debut book had a subtitle/sub name, what would it be?
As a kid I always thought he looked like the Brain lol
I'm back.
So, Why don't some people like book 12 again?
Btw, it's St. Patrick's Day. Name a green DreamWorks character.
Bonus points if you know what that's from.
"He has learned well from us, Ernie."
Gone and forgotten
What Cartoon would you Say has the Craziest Wildlife
Read the photo
It's time to Duel?
Roses are red, look at this gong, I've got a