Is it really that hard to understand why Algalon thought Azeroth needed a reset?
I painted Garrosh (but he's in a slightly different universe now)
Who Wins and Why? (Assuming both bloodlusted)
How much of a hot take is this?
Coming soon, the "Mini City" housing pack. Your own personal Auctioneer, bank, and city portals all in your own home. Plus a bonus of 1000 Traders Tenders. All for $120
As a veteran of 4...I remember how it happened last time.*HR spoiler*
Hate to tell people this but Gallywix is fine, he had some serious life insurance policies with the brokers.
Warlock ilvl 641 | Underpin Tier ?? Solo
Meanwhile, at the Gallagio…
I'm completely normal about Erik and not in any way upset by how little people talk about this twink
Gotta say, the rep reward you get for hitting honored with was....Not what I expected.
Gemma, what the hell did you do to my cat?!
Horrible choices = funny outcomes
The Ninja Turtle's journey continues in undermine. And they seem to of ran into someone....
What do people consider the line between 'clever use of game mechanics' and exploiting?
finished this a while ago but never posted here an homage animation I did for the reload in deadpool and wolverine
As a casual player of wow. I finally did the hardest challenge defeating hogger naked. (He's still relevant right?)
It's been a while since we had a Star Force 3 video, so here's me bullying RogueZZ with the most broken combination ever
What are your thoughts on WoW's levelling systems? Any and all aspects of it.
What will disappear?
Fun story, my older brother originally got me into World of Warcraft. Even let me make myself an orc and gave me an amazing name!....Man I was so naiev at the time. *The realization hit me when I arrived in undercity.*
Our healer just kicked the tank with 15 minutes left on the timer
I am an...NPC?
His Malice is that Strong
I know this is a dumb question. But are there actually any raids out there that are all one specific class with all roles? I don't know why but I feel like I'd join one for the fun of it.