CMV: 90% of chronic illness in Americans could be successfully treated with proper diet and exercise. Big Pharma and the Industrial Food Complex conspire to keep Americans sick, fat, and dependent.
June Week 3 sub chat
Guns Are Not The Problem, Societal And Family Decay Is
Hi! Help this mom buy my son Kendrick Lamar tix! Where to sit at Moody?
Why do most Progressive Christians not talk about protecting the Unborn?
I don’t understand the point of Progressive Christianity.
How long after “7 Tabs” do you get the mailed acceptance package??
Got moved to Liberal Arts/Philosophy this AM from Mays…and got The Tabs!!!
Chance Me! I’m Losing My Mind In Worry!!!
How about not letting people know how much SHIB you have. Shhhhhhhh
Weird Radio Silence…
Weekly Snark Thread - Rachel, Dave, Heidi and co. - Sunday, October 31, 2021
Chance Me: Mays Business #1 / Philosophy #2
Weekly Snark Thread - Rachel, Dave, Heidi and co. - Sunday, October 24, 2021
Weekly Snark Thread - Rachel, Dave, Heidi and co. - Sunday, October 17, 2021
Chance Me For Wesleyan
Application is “Under Review” but my Test Scores haven’t arrived yet…
Garcelle needs to leave.
Oof. The reunion
Once you apply...what happens next??
Chances Of Admissions??
Admission Decision
Rachel Hollis and Dave Hollis- June 28- July 04
Rachel Hollis and Dave Hollis- June 07- June 13