How prevalent is homophobia in Latin America?
Adderall sleepy sleepy
what does good day look like for adhd people?
Are women worthless?
Jason Momoa is ugly.
How does Desoxyn (prescription methamphetamine) feel different than Adderall?
Do Latin Americans view Spaniards how Americans view the British?
Karen harasses and calls police on man selling scarfs
What causes the sharp and sudden disinterest in anything remotely sexual after orgasm?
Anyone who's unable to read?
Vocalists in Deathcore
If an undercover agent assaulted you trying to get you to the ground without identifying themself and you pulled out a knife and stabbed them and killed them, would you go to prison?
How are your dating habits different from when you were 22?
Effects of trying to lower dosage temporarily?
How does a non-ADHD brain work?
Accurate or nah?
Does the Trans community consider gender and sex separate, or the same?
Do bartenders ever have tattoos?
my gf is gaining weight and im not sure what to do
Are the Canadian Border agents shorter and colder with Americans now with all the Trump stuff?
Do you think that any party will have the presidency for longer than 2 terms ever again?
To those who have known or met celebrities. Who is a celebrity/famous person you regret meeting?
How do you know the difference between a girl who's just being nice to you because she wants to be your friend, and a girl who's flirting with you and interested in you?
A Dog that is happily sliding down the slide
im a republican; i dislike liberals. ask me anything