Dad says I'm a hoarder, I prefer the term "collector"
r/language said it was Pitman shorthand, are any of you able to tell me what it says? It's dated 1855 if that's of any consequence.
Does anyone recognize this language?
I have ADHD, what do I need to know or do to be a good partner.
Going to work on my to-do.... Oh wait what's this?
I know we are all missing them cold misty mornings.
Recurring Songs that play in your head
Grandpa at 15 and 79
Restoring a helmet from the game (SSh-36)
Since pavise shields in KCD2 , here are some historical Bohemian made Pavise shields
Mauser sling help identifying
What you guys think about my sweater
I'm just so damn lethargic and "unmotivated" all the time.
Upham isn’t such a pussy thinking about it
'Empty the compartments of thy pantaloons!'
It may not be so obvious in the photo, but in real life this (and just about every other) political sign is blocking the view from oncoming traffic. Glad they care about our daily lives /s
I would give my painting 3.6/5. Not great not terrible
Can someone explain how this is possible?
What happens here?
Why is this mf so strong? How do I beat him?
Finishing a Bow with Tung Oil?
hey same
Why is he so mad? (wrong answers only)
It’s not fancy, or even pretty, but I’ve been using this little phone stand for years.
Oh god