How long does a crim check take
You learn something new everyday!
Pretty accurate
So ChatGPT just messaged me first. First time it happened to me, Strange.
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Biker cuts his wrist/hand while going +200km/h
Where can I find these paintings from this tik tok
You can get the taste of garlic in your mouth by touching it with your feet.
my cat john
Old corpse with his cloth wife.
A clock that displays the time using real book quotes for every minute
whats the best conspiracy about the Ukraine russia conflict that makes the most sense?
What a lovely old lady
His life flashed before his eyes
How Long Before the Next Unthinkable Thing Happens to a Nuclear Plant?
Fucking concert
Word's fail me, I hope she got Out
🔥 Eight point buck shedding his antlers
🔥 A panoramic view from the surface of Mars captured by Curiosity rover.
You know what to do
RIP little man
What a nice DIY
What are some behaviors that scream unintelligence?
I feel less of a person because of the parents I have