I Can't Get Past the first few pages of my original story but I Write 200 pages of fanfiction
Any Ideas on how to Fix this? I've a con next week
Any Ideas on How To Cover up my Fursuit's busted eye?
Chapter length
Headcanons for an older Meg McCaffrey [toa]
yeah i think I've gone too far
Where to buy binders in Ireland?
What Minor God's Children Should I Delve into in my fic [general]
What animal does this look like? (Reptile)
Déan an teanga Ghaeilge cool arís
Kneecap concerts are 18+???
Fictional Races & Racism
Next Gen Castlevania AU anyone?
Worried that my fantasy words don't sound like real words
Found this maker on Etsy but I'm suspicious
Do i have to play at Rondo of blood before watching Castlevania nocturne or not ? Did the animated series spoil the video game?
Since Dhampires exist and we know Night Creatures can reproduce, do you think human/Night Creature and vampire/Night Creature hybrids are possible?
Next Gen Castlevania in the Show Canon
I can't stop getting bored of my current story ideas and moving on to new ones
Checked out Ai Story Prompts
Season 3 Nocturne Theories
Places to Move if Ur Trans In the US
I Can't Charge my stylus pen
Moving back from London
ISO people to interview for a research paper!