Let’s play spot the difference 😂 what she posted 2 days ago and what she just posted lol and the first pic is filtered too 🥴
I’m sure she meant halitosis … looking ratty af today Beefy
Update that no one asked for…
Name that tune
“She’s safe”
Yesterday vs Today
I dunno…I don’t think this was the move.
This picture should be posted in every rehab facility, and AA/NA meeting. This is the face of the worst kind of addiction. Jenna is beyond a tragic fall from grace.
New here
Jenna with her bao bun ass. Silly mare.
8 hours ago Jenna said they broke up. 1 hour ago Mils says, that's news to me.
What an ugly ass deformed psycho she is. Her parts are oozing out like distended teats of a heifer. 🤮
OMG Becky ..Look at that …..
Filming her “documentary m”
She’s back in the rental
Talking to yourself, Jenna?
No thanks
“I’m a pussycat I swear”
Jenna’s Big Fat Italian Delusion 🇮🇹🍝🍕
Why though?
“Tuned in” reads the caption
When you slide in the dm’s to get a roof and a couch