Caught someone cheating at my me prevent it in code?
How do i actually create my own features
does anyone know of any bars hiring? (specifically for entry level bartenders lol 🥲)
I've got a game on the App Store with 15k users and 2.5k monthly sessions. How much could I make with ads?
I want to recreate a scene from my friend's wedding..where do I start?
Started godot during the pandemic now I'm here
Can you preload or onready a joystick button?
Made a dream come true this week. Finally built an arcade version of my indie game
Hypothetical: Could you do mobile multiplayer using a USB-C cable?
Local Multiplayer breaks my view of the characters correct sprite sheet row
Godot google play billing plugin error.
Do arcades that have Nintendo machines have to license them out? Has there ever been an arcade that's exclusively Nintendo machines or would the legal team shut that down immediately?
My terrain color doesn't match my tiles color.
There's no way this is real right? So who the hell made it then?
What was that ONE mistake you made when learning Godot?
How long it took you to make your first fully finished game?
Does anyone else get PUMPED when they see a r/godot post on the front page?!?
Can I please PAY someone $$ to show me how they got IAP's working?
Renting a place that has standing occasional standing water in the basement...should I even use the AC/Heat?
Wet Basement and Air Conditioning/Heat (MI)
Can't climb static bodies...because my code was for made flat grid movement...?
What are your must-have Godot assets/tools/plugins/scripts/utilities?
3d movement built for flat grid maps is struggling to adjust to static bodies
I think I have a world record in TOTK...unless someone out there has me beat
I have lost all motivation to work on an update to my mobile game