Cars a total loss, is $24.6k a good number for it? 2024 Select sport with 4.4k mileage
Who does this guy look like?
Assassin's Creed level climbing
How can the nightlife be this bad?
PSA: Don't DIY chrome delete unless you're motivated and have time
Any downside to using Amex “plan it” feature?
Confetti Day!
I’m losing every trade
She liked that way too much
Ryan Ferguson, who spent 10 years in prison, is set to receive $38,000,000 payout after being wrongfully convicted of murder.
UPS Store pack and ship guarantee - advice?
Why attractive girls don't make eye contact, and when they do, it means nothing.
DIY Ceramic coat went well!
Should i seduce girls i’m not really into?
My friend, who was a man, came out as a non-binary trans woman. I'm having a hard time understanding what it means.
How are you able to tell at clubs/bars if girl DTF during a convo or looking to go home with someone BEFORE you open?
(UPDATED) 11/2023 Software Security and Testing D385
Beginner tips for someone introverted going solo to the night life?
When you’re driving, and no other cars are around, do you use your turn signals?
30k debt into 0 in 11 months
ULPT how to apply for as many loans as possible without paying them back and having no source of income. I am disabled.
Does anybody know someone who needs work in Los Angeles beach area?
How much do you pay for a 2 bedroom apartment in a good area in Los Angeles nowadays?
What do ugly men do?
D479 UXD—Guerilla testing question