Salut!Am o intrebare legat de IT in general
Hear me out. The New Shrek won’t be woke, it will make fun of woke.
The whole official team for fut bday
Waiting for…
Instalare faruri LED fără să-i orbești pe ceilalți sau să îți ridice talonul
Masina veche 200k Km vs masina mai noua cu 200k Km
Masinile cu multi cai derapeaza putin cand dai talpa?
RB equivalent to Theo
What are the best regular gold cards in the game?
Who do I pick? I mostly need a striker
TOTY is over now. Post your teams here.
Masini ieftine pentru tunning?
Future Stars full team + icons
82x20 thread
Deeney in the last minute
Guys, finally made it!
I need a replacement for Tonali. Any recommendations for max 1M?
Haven't won a game for 3 days...
Check number of SBCs Done
Anyone else fucking hate timewasters and people who don't ready the game up? They are a cancer to the football community.
bro i’ve spent 4million coins into league upgrades and player picks and still haven’t packed nothing higher then 87 and yet i see people with full toty teams like how!!!
Got Maldini from icon pick and don’t know what to do
How is everyone on this sub packing TOTYs. I'm packing fuck all.
Bale (5 games, D2) - 14 Goals, 3 Assists, 4/5 wins
Division rivals rewards market crash