nicks GF *BEFORE* she who shall not be named
Fucking perfect for each other
Where is steven
No words….
Yall she a fucking fake
Such a loving respectful son 🤦🏻♀️ When will people realise? God rest her soul she deserved better from him.
carla’s fat ass neck
Posting again because this didn’t go viral enough for me 😂
This might be politically incorrect, but is Corina a lil mentally challenged or is it just the drugs? She doesn’t seem like the brightest bulb.
Okay but on a serious note
It’s giving scalp
Mothers of the year
Bri is an escort.
I’m in awe of the lack of neck
Broken neck 🤣🤣
“Last night was a good night”.
Steve out on the street?
Why is nobody talking about how he’s wearing a women’s jacket
Comment violations I receive
I hate her sm but can’t look away
Probably the worst clip
Ashley’s daughter posted this after the live
Brian ridge