The ancients divided man into three parts- head, heart and belly and said that the part that rules determines a person's character. Which part rules your life?
Green Goddess Salad from Panera Bread
What's the most "forbidden" book you've ever read?
What do you carry around in your handbag that you never use? Why?
Trump just signed an executive order eliminating the Department of Education
My cleaner isn’t cutting it
What is longest period you've gone without actually talking to another human being?
Born disabled, legally bound to sin?
Looking for honesty here. I'm reading on Reddit & elsewhere that republicans regret voting for Trump, & now have "voter's remorse"...
Hosting in a non-tourist destination
Why is Europe walking to a war???
How to do at-home Chopped Salad for a beginner?
What was the name of your favorite stuffed animal when you were young and do you still have it?
Ben Shapiro's (imo disrespectful) message regarding Pope Francis's recent illness
What’s your no.1 cooking hack?
How many "Ghost" employees (fake, nonexistent workers/names on the payroll who are issued paychecks in order to fraudulently collect wages) do you estimate "work" at your workplace and what type of workplace is it?
What are you not allowed to say?
What's the most ridiculous post you have been censored for?
In the movie "Stagecoach" starring John Wayne, the passengers crossed country in a stagecoach without glass in any of the windows, exposing them to high winds, dust storms and Apache arrows. Why no glass windows?
Does anyone else not use creamer in their coffee?
Redditor makes an "Abort Republican Babies" bumper sticker. Currently sitting at 1k upvotes in r/bumperstickers
Was just banned from r/latestagecapitalism . The folks that run the sub are definite Liberal Leftists, supporting the old officials who gaslight them. Unreal!
Shocked and disappointed
There has been a massive misinformation uptick on Reddit particularly, in most usual suspect subs and mental health subs, stating RFK is going to ban mental health drugs and send people prescribed these medications to camps.