Thank you, Geordie nation - a sappy letter from an American
Are these worth anything?
Map or brochure of London pubs that will be showing the cup final?
Umbreon fans, how many Evolving Skies packs did it take you to pull this?
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
Zero clue to about valuing cards
🎊 1,000 Members Free Raffle🎊
What condition?
Is neorelics a legitimate seller?
*Update on 30 packs opened of Poke Rev 6.0*
We all knew, but now I know for sure
Recently bought this slab and noticed a little bit of holo pattern within the Machamp and a swirl
What is this for and how long does it last
Another Resealer guys!! stay away from this 💩 seller on whatnot
Should I get this card now or wait and see if the price will drop in the future?
Bought all these cards for $640, was it worth it?
Guy at local card shop said he thought that PSA would not be willing to grade due to condition but did offer me 150. Thoughts?
ripped my first booster bundle in 25+ years
How do yall feel about cracking a slab?
got all these cards for $100 did i accidentally scam him?
Does anyone know what this card is and or its value?
This app….
Why is t_slabs still around??