Waiting for Admin Review after PSW rejection - No Right to work since 7 months :(
Visa for Unpaid Internship in the UK
Health Surcharge, and switching from HPI to High Tech/Art/other visa
Carer Loophole?
Need advice for unmarried partner visa
UK partner visa financial requirements
Only 1 viewing on my London flat in a week - advice/opinions please
Does combined salary requirement for spouse visa has to be salary from UK.
Should I have failed my test ?
Spiders VS living in London
Can anyone tell me if this dresser is worth anything? (USA)
Help in UK VISA rejection and ban - DVR Report and Next steps
Are any of these appropriate for a June formal wedding?
Emily Wilde- Book 3
Give me your fops, dandies and CAMP men
Unmarried partner visa (without living together/no cohabitation)
Free parking near Lion Yard?
Married with 5 kids and looking to exit. Are we stuck?
UK PhD, time on campus?
Received wrong applicant's rejection email
How long does it take for renewal?
Three Sisters at The Globe
Affordable/reasonable shops or Etsy stores to purchase a veil?
Fiance Visa mistakenly rejected, stuck in appeal process
TIFU by finding out I've been accidentally dating and fucking my half-sister, after taking a 23andme DNA test