Let us pick a go-to secondary character
Just died to this unit lol
No 3 stack, no ratting, solo queued, 130ping every game, and very limited time to play, from bronze4 to diamond and im fucking stoked
Fuse wants your nades.
why there is so little female gamers? these posts in female apex group show that sexism is getting out of hand
Ranked System is Busted
Actually some of the coolest skins I've ever seen. I'm so copping them bro
Pathfinders "I just polished my grapple" voice line
Proper look at Gaiden store
We ordered a grill. Got 300 iPads
Diamond is now the new Platinum
Alright boys, time to retire Horizon and choose a new main
Rate my banner
Even after 3 years of Apex, people still don’t know about this angle
why do people don't like digital threat on wingman , it's way better than 1x hcog
Diamond 4 to masters for the firs time ever. Ask me anything on how i got it.
There’s just no pleasing some Wraith mains
Why would anyone choose Pathfinder over Valkyrie right now?
I Opened 500 Apex Packs on Christmas and Very Nearly Ended Up With Coal
Another day having fun playing Apex :)
More pain
Just died on my smurf account and raged at my Level 4 teammate
Yo, Respawn, tell me you do something about racist usernames
Almost felt bad about this one
Loba Cosplay ❤️