Any couples?
What physical feature turns you on?
If we do actually live in the matrix, what can someone do to wake up and get out of it?
It's almost 3am here, what are you doing up so late on a Sunday?
Guys, how would you feel if a girl took the initiative and asked you out?
What is something you did as a child that you won’t allow your kid to do?
If you’re lost at sea and can’t drink sea water, then what do you drink?
How do you ask a girl out?
What would you ask a jenie ? Wrong answeres only ?
If you would like to see one band in their prime, what band would it be?
Who’s your all time favorite tv character?
19yo recovering Fentanyl addict. AMA
Syd Barrett
What’s a movie from the 80s or 90s that’s criminally underappreciated?
The change in Layne Staley's voice
What are your favorite rock bands?! Can't wait to enjoy your playlists!
What's one piece of marriage advice you wish you had known before tying the knot?
Fun question of the day….
What band should just retire?
If you could see one band in their prime, who would it be?
What band do you think is underrated?
Favorite Radiohead song?
Favorite bands with a front-woman (female lead singer)
Things Snow White Might Not Want to See or Hear from the Seven Dwarves
Ridiculously under-appreciated guitarists?