Do you ever feel like you are not competent sometimes?
I lied to my principal…and got written up.
I have an entire class with IEPs and no help!
What is a basic understanding that most of your students should have, but don't?
Dumbest Requests from Admin you ever received?
Does anyone know what this is? I found this at a Wendy’s
Lights on Steady, First Use, K-Express
Principal Starting to Criticize Me or Not Accepting Truth Anymore
What would u name him?
Got scolded for reporting coworker for blowing me a kiss
That’s…. Not how it works
What is a song that is an absolute banger that will never get old and always puts you in a good mood?
CMV: Self Diagnosing ADHD and Autism shouldn’t be a trend.
Unpopular? Opinion- 9/11-themed crafts are icky
Well, it finally happened to me.
You can add Godzilla to any movie to make it better or different what's the Movie?
Can't do much but I'm happy I'm progressing!
eli5: Why is english the world wide language of communication?
Can we PLEASE stop calling it “classroom management”?!
Anyone else lock your doors before the kids come in the mornings?
Breakthrough COVID infections show 'the unvaccinated are now putting the vaccinated at risk'
[Serious] What helps you sleep at night?
Being a man complimenting women, how can I make sure I don't come off creepy?
Britney Spears tells court she wants conservatorship to end