I created this website to organize all my philosophy notes.
How do you use Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma in your workflow?
What’s the line between referencing and copying in graphic design?
Løn som UI/UX designer med 5+ års erfaring – Får jeg for lidt?
Was square off sold off? New rebrand?
Hi reddit! I made a map to visually explore the rental (and sales) market in Switzerland. Update: I added lakes, postal code filter, zoom and a time chart, would love your feedback!
Can anyone recommend other media that has a similar whimsical/mysterious/adventerous/sad/nonsensicle yet cohesive style that Adventure Time's world does?
I finally beat Spore for the first time in my life... But there's a problem...
These placement markers don't look so great in 4K.
Hvor kan jeg sælge hjemmelavede cookies?
Is it worth it to have a car in Aarhus?
Deutsche Bahn files legal action over train driver strike – DW – 03/11/2024
Aarhus version: What membership is 100% worth every penny you pay for it?
What membership is 100% worth every penny you pay for it?
We haven’t got a good night sleep in over 1 year. Please help
Berlinale winners 2024
2 years of lies, and a broken piece of garbage, square off is a scam BEWARE!
I organized over 2000 philosophical notes and 100 books in this website I created that hopefully can serve as a resource for philosophy enthusiasts.
I created a minimalistic website to organize my notes from over 90 philosophy books I read in the last 10 years.
Course critique: Shift Nudge course
On the fence about Shift Nudge program
Hang The Dj is the saddest episode of Black mirror
What do you think of this episode selection I made to introduce adventure time to my gf?
Gruppenvergewaltigung im Görlitzer Park
I just finished Adventure Time for the third time in my life and it still hits hard