Why are Shojo mangas usually adapted into Live-action more (and their reception is usually good), whereas Shonens and Seinens tend to get anime adaptations more (and if they do get live-action adaptations, their reception is usually not that good)?
Guess the price of this plate of economy rice XD
How is Japanese culture so popular in Taiwan?
What is your opinion on Japan's current society's view on gender equality?
Are most people here bananas and T20?
Guess the price.
Do people actually believe this?
Why are our convenience stores so bad compared to many other countries? (A rant)
Why do many Malaysians lack basic train etiquette? (also a rant)
I hope this actually happens (Explanation in description)
Why are all those flats in Malaysia so poorly maintained?
Is it possible for Malaysia to become cooler through technology, planting more trees or better urban planning
To those who got scholarship from UCSI, was it stressful to maintain?
Dear INTPs, how many crushes have you had?
Start the #UNBLOCKDNS movement in Malaysia
MBTI types when they have to follow instructions:
Any INTPs worried of their social image and struggles with people-pleasing?
Any INTPs like to do thing the unconventional way but is doomed to fail?
I went from INFP to ENFP to INTP..
Are all of you OCD too?
Is this a good deal??
My Experience in Chinese School
LIVE | Unofficial: BN wins in first by-election seat-flip since GE15
On the last day of 2024 Olympics, Shah Firdaus was on course to win Malaysia's 3rd bronze medal before he was took down abruptly.
Which mbti in your opinion rarely comments on reddit?