Timpani - how to change tune while standing up?
Buying a used Marimba
How do you count this?
Need help finding an old website with annotated timpani parts
Options for Mac mini 2011 as Linux NAS?
Recovery mode on Mac mini 2011
Any budget / personal finance apps that work reliably with WS?
How to test OWC Mercury Elite Pro enclosures on FW800?
How to delete a missing file system with no device
‘Sunny lumenair’
Any reason not to use ZFS?
What is a good FLAC to ALAC converter?
Bug in Wayback? when trying to view Wayback archived PDF files on iOS / iPhone / iPad
3.23.1a not expected to go live this week
Head tracking and FOIP - what software should I use?
Bed Logging Completely removed in 3.23?
Where do I get the whale mug????
What is this on the right wing tip of the corsair?
MISC Fury / Fury Miru / Mirai Megathread
All the Star Wars fans calling the MISC Fury a Tie Fighter. Meanwhile, me, a weeb:
Who needs a QT drive
ArcCorps parallax shader for buildings in 3.18 is really awesome!
I’m confused about Yueh’s motivations and why he did what he did.
"Go in?" Oreb inquired.