Sorry Guys! Fixing bugs
“Due dates” vs “Do dates”
Bug causing data loss
Are there exercises to increase the ability to focus?
7.7.5 bugs
Retired boxer saves a hostage at Kazakhstan airport
Looking for note-taking & task scheduling app
I'm launching my app for couples
What’s one belief you had about Self-Improvement that you no longer believe?
Need a dude to bully me into improving myself and losing weight
What’s One Habit That’s Actually Made You More Productive (And Not Just Feel Productive)?
How did YOU get disciplined?
I am so F’ed don’t know how to fix myself
How I Managed to Do More (Without Adding More Hours to My Day)
Need tips on how to stay consistent in the gym again
How do you maintain long term discipline without burning out?
Smartphone addiction is ruining my life
Today I spent 10 hours in my phone.How do I stop?
How this app grew from 2K to 105K users in 15 days
Am I too late?
Add an Analytics section too in the Menu
Get this done
Only men. When was the last time you cried?
All my friends are happy and living life, while I’m drowning 💔
Feel lost