Are any of you sober?
Nevertake coming 3/21
Albums that slapped back in the day but now you’re in your 30’s are actually not that great anymore.
An example of things I write down so that I “remember” them…
NTFP Chances
Am I the only one whose Goldie wasn't a menace as a puppy?!
Finally got a tattoo I've been wanting for a very long time.
Is this normal?
Hello everyone. I drew you a Gengar.
Happy 20th anniversary to NTFP. This record changed my life and the lives of many.
We’ve all clients who insisted to reject a plea deal and go to trial despite the enormous amount of evidence against them. Let’s hear your craziest story.
What the hell Is this i found it two times
Today was one of those days that makes me wonder why I bother.
Aftermath of night sweats. This happens 3-5 times a week.
What is this, how to get rid of it, should I see a doctor?
My partner made me best checklists! ❤️
Games for girlfriend who sucks at gaming?
"They should just change their name, This isn't Anberlin" Sorry, but they shouldn't, and it is.
My attempt to recreate Evie Zamora from the movie Thirteen. What do you think?
Do you dislike talking to people or just struggle with it
What do you hate hearing?
What's your favorite nickname you gave a pokemon?
Game where you genuinely hate a character
Favorite "less-popular" Blink-182 song?
Everyone talks about noises that they hate, but what about noises that you like?